Posts zum Thema "Frontend"

TypeScript and Strings

TypeScript and Strings

TypeScript can validate whether a function is called with an "allowed" string, as opposed to "any" string. It can even define what is "allowed" by extracting parts of other string-types. This feature has a huge potential for saving time by getting instant feedback and auto-completion in the IDE.

10 great reasons to use Gatsby in your next project

10 great reasons to use Gatsby in your next project

In 2020, a good bunch of static site generators are available for your next project. One of these is Gatsby, a popular and easy-to-use framework with a great community and documentation.

E2E Testing Cluster on AWS Fargate – Part 1

E2E Testing Cluster on AWS Fargate – Part 1

End-To-End tests take a lot of time especially when you have a lot of them. To improve feedback cycles for our developers we built a project to set up an isolated, self destructing cluster which runs the test suite on AWS Fargate.

Realtime Error Tracking im Web mit

Realtime Error Tracking im Web mit

Komplett fehlerfrei laufende Anwendungen sind wohl der Traum eines jeden Entwicklers, aber leider bei weitem keine Realität. Im Entwicklungsprozess lässt es sich kaum vermeiden, dass sich Bugs in den Code einschleichen.

Z-Index Management With Sass

Z-Index Management With Sass

Working with z-index values in large projects can be really difficult. On a growing project, you can observe the z-index values increasing. At some point it is not uncommon to see values like 999.
